Aftercare for Separated Children
Barnardos. (2010). Aftercare for Separated Children.
Aftercare is a range of services provided to a young person when they leave the care of the State aged 18. These services should support young people while they make the transition from living in care to adulthood, with the same opportunities and quality of life as their peers. There is currently no statutory obligation on the Health Service Executive (HSE) to provide support and services to young people after they reach the age of 18. Aftercare provision is currently provided for under Section 45 of the Child Care Act 1991. However, the wording in the current legislation states that the HSE „may‟ provide aftercare for children who need it. Barnardos, the Irish Association for Young People In Care and the Irish Foster Care Association have sought an amendment to the Child Care (Amendment) Bill 2009, to ensure that there is a statutory provision of aftercare for all children in care.