Early Years eNews: Issue 1

Barnardos. (2014). Early Years eNews: Issue 1. https://knowledge.barnardos.ie/handle/20.500.13085/590
In this issue of Childcare eNews, we bring you details of the launch of the new Child and Family Agency, Tusla. With its remit to unite education welfare and family support together with child protection and welfare services, we in Barnardos see the launch of the agency as a crucial step forward in cross-departmental liaison and interagency integration. We also highlight the comprehensive 'Final Report on the Development and Implementation of the Síolta Quality Assurance Programme' by the Early Years Education Policy Unit of the Department of Education and Skills and give news of updates on Pre-School Quality Improvements from Minister Frances Fitzgerald. In this issue there are also details of a number of other recent publications including the CAMHS Annual Report, a new information leaflet about cyberbullying from the Office of Internet Safety and the paper 'Early childhood education and care: Working conditions and training opportunities' from Eurofound.