Parenting Positively: Helping Teenagers to Cope with Domestic Abuse

Tusla & Barnardos. (2015). Parenting Positively: Helping Teenagers to Cope with Domestic Abuse.
Domestic abuse is one of the most difficult situations parents and young people can face. It challenges our beliefs and values about family life. The secrecy and stigma that surround it make it difficult for people who experience it to seek help and support. It is hoped that the information in this booklet will in some way help teenagers and parents to live a life free from violence and abuse. It will also help you to understand: The ways domestic abuse affects young people and their development; How to listen to teenagers so that you know what is happening with them; How to talk to your sons or daughters about their experience to help them to understand what is happening in their lives; The impact domestic abuse can have on you as a parent; Steps you can take to try to ensure young people’s safety while dealing with your situation.