Supporting Quality: Guidelines for Best Practice in Early Childhood Services (2nd Edition)
French, Geraldine
French, G. (2003). Supporting Quality: Guidelines for Best Practice in Early Childhood Services. (2nd ed.).
Supporting Quality: Guidelines for Best Practice in Early Childhood Services was initiated by Barnardos and funded under the Equal Opportunities Childcare Programme by the European Social Fund through the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform as part of their commitment to the dissemination of information in the year 2000. The initial print run of 5,000 copies has been exhausted affording the opportunity to update, enhance and emphasise the information in this second edition. The main foundation for the original Guidelines was a list of quality indicators compiled by Gillian Pugh (see later on in this chapter). This list is still inspirational. However, the author has chosen to emphasise aspects, specified and enhanced in this edition. The aim remains the same: to provide information to childcare providers that would help to enhance the quality of services to children and which takes into account our development as a multicultural society. This is not a static document. It is intended that the information be used as the basis for developing practice as part of ongoing review and evaluation of service. Adequate resources, effective management structures, clear objectives, qualified and experienced staff who have access to in-service training, and a broad-based relevant curriculum are some of the factors which contribute to quality; guidelines and standards alone cannot establish good quality early childhood services.