Every Child Matters: Developing Anti-Discriminatory Practice in Early Childhood Services
Willoughby, Marie
Willoughby, M. (2004). Every Child Matters: Developing Anti-Discriminatory Practice in Early Childhood Services. https://knowledge.barnardos.ie/handle/20.500.13085/652
All children are entitled to equality of access and to opportunities to enjoy and to learn within a stimulating and safe care environment. Children need to feel valued and to be protected from discrimination. Childcare providers can play a significant part in tackling discrimination - they can be proactive in supporting attitudinal and behavioural change within society. An anti-discriminatory emphasis on play opportunities for children can encourage and develop positive attitudes to difference including gender, ethnicity1, culture, religion, language, sexual orientation, age, ability, disability and social circumstances. By challenging discriminatory practices and providing positive models and images for children from a young age, childcare providers can do a great deal towards tackling prejudice both within their service and in their wider community.