Understanding the Needs of Children: A Study of Needs and their Determinants in Limerick and Thurles. Executive Summary
McKeown, Kieran
Haase, Trutz
McKeown, K., & Hasse, T. (2007). Understanding the Needs of Children: A Study of Needs and their Determinants in Limerick and Thurles. Executive Summary. https://knowledge.barnardos.ie/handle/20.500.13085/326
The purpose of the study was set out in January 2007 in the invitation to tender: “The purpose of the needs analysis is to explore the range of needs that three groups of children present with:
• A representative sample of children living in Limerick city
• Children receiving Barnardos’ services in Limerick city during the reference period of the study
• A sample of children receiving Barnardos’ services in Thurles during the reference period of the study”
The study was commissioned in March 2007. Fieldwork and data collection was carried out in May, followed by data analysis and write-up in June, and submission of the report in July 2007. This report is a summary of the key findings from this survey.