‘Working Together Online’ Barnardos Digital Best Practice Framework 2022

Barnardos. (2022). ‘Working Together Online’ Barnardos Digital Best Practice Framework 2022. https://knowledge.barnardos.ie/handle/20.500.13085/950
Blended working is a flexible approach that combines face-to-face and online service delivery. Blended working provides children and families with a greater choice and access to services as it reduces barriers to engagement such as travel, childcare, and time, all of which often impact attendance and participation. Within the context of working with children and families in Barnardos, one example of blended working would be meeting a parent or child at planned intervals (initial assessment stage, review stage, closure) and carrying out virtual sessions in between. Another example of a work plan might include virtual sessions every second week e.g. one week face-to-face, one week virtual and so on. For more intensive pieces of work, staff members could decide to meet a family once a week in person and complete a second check-in virtually later the same week. Similarly, for group work pieces, registration and consent might be obtained in person and the programme content delivered online. There are many options available that can be adapted to meet the needs of the child, family and service. The Digital Best Practice Framework sets out to support the successful implementation of online services to achieve the following outcomes: • Children and families will have increased choice and additional service delivery options to use with a blended approach to service provision. • Children and families will experience services online that are equivalent in quality to face-to-face services. • Children and families will achieve mutually agreed outcomes when accessing online services. • Children and families will experience staff who are confident in delivering services online. • Children and families will experience staff who have the knowledge and skills needed to deliver high quality services online. • Clear processes/procedures will be in place to ensure best practice and safety when delivering services online.