Barnardos' Tomorrow's Child Conference: Conference Programme
Barnardos. (2008). Barnardos' Tomorrow's Child Conference: Conference Programme.
The conference will begin with the launch of the findings of a key trends analysis research report commissioned by Barnardos and undertaken by Brian Harvey, Social Researcher. Over the two days, in addition to the keynote presentations, a wide range of masterclasses and workshops covering policy and practice in key areas of children’s and young people’s lives will be available for participants to choose from. Barnardos is especially delighted to welcome President Mary McAleese who we are hoping will address delegates on the morning of November 6th. We hope you will find this programme interesting and that you will attend the conference. The Tomorrow’s Child Conference provides an opportunity to network, debate and to hear from national and international experts. It is a learning opportunity to probe how we can best work together to meet the challenges ahead. This brochure contains all the practical details that you need to sign up for Barnardos’ Tomorrow’s Child Conference. Spaces are limited so please consider signing up today and booking your place at this interesting and challenging conference.