Supporting One Parent Families During and After the Covid-19 Crisis
Children's Rights Alliance
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
National Women's Council
Focus Ireland
Dress for Success Dublin
One Family
FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres)
SPARK (Single Parents Acting for the Rights of our Kids)
Children's Rights Alliance, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, One Family, SPARK (Single Parents Acting for the Rights of our Kids), National Women's Council, Barnardos, FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres), Focus Ireland, Dress for Success Dublin, Trecoir. (2020). Supporting One Parent Families During and After the Covid-19 Crisis.
As a group of organisations working with children and families and some of the most vulnerable groups in Irish Society, we are making this submission to the Special Committee on COVID-19 Response to ensure the needs of lone parents and their children are central to our country’s response to the socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. One parent families are disproportionately impacted by many social issues and unfortunately the consequences of COVID-19 are no different. The necessary restrictions to limit the spread of the virus have added huge additional pressures to one parent families as they navigate the practicalities of self-isolation, increased food and energy bills from being at home more, childcare closures, familial conflict due to access issues and home schooling. With 86% of lone parents being women, the impact of the crisis is also a significant gender equality issue. The circumstances of one parent families prior to the pandemic have made them particularly
vulnerable during this incredibly challenging time. Lone parents were already struggling with the impact of years of cuts to public services and social security.