Barnardos’ Submission to the Expert Group on Resource Allocation and Financing in the Health Sector
Barnardos. (2009). Barnardos’ Submission to the Expert Group on Resource Allocation and Financing in the Health Sector.
Numerous commentators have observed the dire state of Ireland’s health sector and the inequality which continues to underpin services in the State. Barnardos agrees with the Taoiseach’s description of our health system as ‘beleagured’ and concurs with the health economist and author Maev Ann Wren when she says: Irish people die younger because they tolerate an inequality between them that breeds ill health, and they accept a health care system which implicitly places lesser value on the lives of those with lesser means.1 Ireland has evolved a health care system which is at odds with the European norm in that access to primary care (GP visits and some community based services) is decided on income. Those who can afford to pay for private health insurance have access to timely and higher quality services while access to services in the public health system is plagued by long delays for referrals and treatment. There are particular concerns over the lengthy delays in crucial services for children and young people such as speech & language therapy, occupational therapy and access to community mental health services.