National Vetting Bureau Bill - Committee Stage Debate

Barnardos, The Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. (2012). National Vetting Bureau Bill - Committee Stage Debate.
Barnardos and ISPCC strongly welcomes the National Vetting Bureau Bill 2012. While it is disappointing that this Bill copies the 2011 Bill in proposing only the vetting of those in identified employment types rather than prospective employees and volunteers in identified sectors, it will for the first time allow the vetting procedure to include non conviction data or ‘specified information’ for the protection of children and vulnerable adults. Barnardos and ISPCC have long called for the inclusion of non-conviction data to be available to assist employers when assessing any candidates for positions working with children. Such a system has been in operation for years in Northern Ireland and while the UK Government is scaling back on its Vetting and Barring Scheme it is still advanced in comparison to the current Irish system. Together with the Children’s First Bill and the Criminal Justice (Withholding Information on Crimes Against Children and Vulnerable Adults) Act 2012, this Bill will play a key part in the reform of Ireland’s child protection system. This system will hopefully be further strengthened with the passing of the children’s right referendum on November 10th.