Submission to Department of Rural and Community Development on the Working Draft of the National Volunteering Strategy 2020-2025
Barnardos. (2020). Submission to Department of Rural and Community Development on the Working Draft of the National Volunteering Strategy 2020-2025.
Barnardos mission is to help transform children’s lives through our services; support parents; and challenge society where it fails our children. In 2019, we had 367 (2018: 320) volunteers involved across the organisation. These volunteers were involved in Barnardos in such roles as manning helplines, providing administration support, assisting in parent and toddler groups, breakfast clubs, after school groups and playgrounds, facilitating the Roots of Empathy programme and the Wizards of Words reading programme in numerous primary schools and sorting and selling both new and preloved goods which are donated to our seven shops and as members of our Board. Without the dedication, enthusiasm and generosity of these committed volunteers Barnardos could not do the work it does. Barnardos welcomes the opportunity to comment on the working draft of the National Volunteering Strategy 2020 - 2025 which has been developed by the Department of Rural and Community Development.