Back to School - Executive Summary: 2021

Moffatt, S., Kent, G., & O'Hara, J. (2021). Back to School - Executive Summary: 2021.
For more than a decade Barnardos has been carrying out an online survey investigating the costs that parents incur when sending their children to school at the start of the school term. Last year the content and format of the survey was updated to reflect the effects of Covid-19. This year we further developed the survey to determine the adversities and difficulties families faced over the past twelve months. In total 1,473 parents completed the survey; 1,023 with children in primary school, while the remaining 450 respondents’ children attend secondary school. There were a further 121 respondents to the Children and Young People’s Survey. Our survey shows that children are largely happy and excited about returning to school in September and parents feel likewise. However, parents have concerns and worries about their children’s development. Additionally, the past twelve months has presented their families with increased challenges and adversity.