Submission into the National Vetting Bureau Bill 2011
Barnardos. (2011). Submission into the National Vetting Bureau Bill 2011.
Barnardos welcomes the opportunity to feed into the development of the National Vetting Bureau Bill 2011. This Bill builds on the 2008 recommendations of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on the Constitutional Amendment on Children by providing a statutory framework for the regulation of vetting procedures in Ireland and to provide for the disclosure of ‘relevant information’ for the protection of children and vulnerable adults. Barnardos welcomes the proposal to formalise current vetting structures through the establishment of the National Vetting Bureau with the intention of allowing employers make informed decisions regarding prospective candidates. Vetting is an essential part of safe recruitment practices for employers. However, Barnardos believes that parts of the Bill in its current format are ambiguous and fail to espouse best practice in the interests of protecting children and vulnerable adults from those who would seek to harm them. Barnardos would like to highlight some overarching concerns with the Bill along with points that require further clarity.