"An Equal Future": Exploring Equality and Diversity Issues in the Provision of Childcare
Cork City Childcare Committee
Cork County Childcare Committee
Cork City Childcare Committee, Cork County Childcare Committee & Barnardos. (2003). "An Equal Future": Exploring Equality and Diversity Issues in the Provision of Childcare. https://knowledge.barnardos.ie/handle/20.500.13085/204
Cork City and Cork County Childcare Companies and Barnardos are delighted to present this report on the “Equal Future” Conference held in June 2003. The conference presented: Inspirational speakers with wide experience of equality issues in Childcare, Information workshops addressing a range of equality and diversity issues and The first opportunity for City and County childcare Practitioners to come together to discuss equality and diversity issues Participants at the conference were supported to:
1. Increase their knowledge of equality and diversity issues with particular reference to the anti- bias approach
2. Develop reflective policy and practice
3. Learn from shared experiences
4. Increase access to information, resources, materials and equipment
5. Develop signposts for future practice and development
This report collates the papers presented by guest speakers, the reports from the facilitated workshops and a summary of the evaluations of a very successful conference. The conference report offers an opportunity to reflect on the information exchanged, the experiences shared and the journey from policy to a quality, integrated practice. The planning and organising of the Equal Future Conference was collaborative action undertaken by Cork City Childcare Company, Cork County Childcare Committee and Barnardos.