Better Finglas Interagency Evaluation Report

Walsh, K. (2018). Better Finglas Interagency Evaluation Report.
Finglas was one of thirteen locations in Ireland selected to participate in the Area Based Childhood (ABC) Programme. The programme was initially developed as a three year cross-departmental initiative which was jointly funded by the Irish Government, through the Department of Children and Youth Affairs, and by Atlantic Philanthropies. The ABC Programme is jointly managed by the Centre for Effective Services and Pobal. The Better Finglas Programme (Better Finglas) was developed by a wide consortium of agencies, organisations, groups, and individuals working in the Finglas area. The consortia included the Health Service Executive, Dublin City Council, Finglas Cabra Drug and Alcohol Task Force, Tolka Area Partnership, Dublin City Childcare Committee, Tusla, Barnardos, An Garda Síochána, early years settings, primary schools and youth services. Barnardos was asked to take on, and subsequently took on, the role of lead agency with responsibility for the day-to-day management and administration of the programme. Better Finglas has a vision of a community where all services - voluntary, statutory and community - are working together with families to improve the developmental, health and educational outcomes of young children living in the area. Its objectives are to: • Increase access to evidence-based programmes and evidence-informed activities from pre-birth to eight years. • Enhance parenting skills and increase parental capacity to support their children’s development. • Improve children’s developmental outcomes. • Improve children’s literacy in first and second class. • Increase the capacity of service providers to deliver high quality and evidence-based programmes with fidelity in an appropriate, timely, and sustainable manner. • Increase both use and community awareness of service provision. • Build on effective interagency working to deliver a continuum of co-ordinated, high quality services. Better Finglas sought to realise this vision through the provision of evidence-based programmes and quality services to children (aged up to eight years) and parents of children (from pregnancy to 11 years of age). Better Finglas has five key strands of activities as follows: Pregnancy and New Parents; Parenting; Early Years; Literacy; and Interagency.