Evaluation of the Barnardos/One Family Pilot Child Contact Centre (Final Report)

Murphy, C. & Holt, S. (2013). Evaluation of the Barnardos/One Family Pilot Child Contact Centre (Final Report). https://knowledge.barnardos.ie/handle/20.500.13085/833
The pilot Child Contact Centre service based in Dublin and run by Barnardos and One Family received funding in December 2010 from Department of Children and Youth Affairs, the Health Service Executive (HSE), the Family Support Agency and Ballymun Regeneration for a two year period. Following a set up and recruitment period the service began accepting referrals in October 2011. As this is a pilot Child Contact Centre service, monitoring and evaluation is a key part of the process and accordingly funding was allocated to establish a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation system for the pilot in order to assess its performance and impact. This is the final evaluation of the pilot.