Children's Perspective of Budget 2019

Barnardos. (2018). Children's Perspective of Budget 2019.
Budget 2019 demonstrates some effort to tackle child poverty through much needed social welfare changes; but the Government failed to deliver the ambition and vision required to meet its own target of lifting 100,000 children out of consistent poverty by 2020. It is clear this Budget represents the start of the next election campaign; offering a little for everyone. It is clear children, as non-voters, were not a priority in Budget 2019. Additional help for families accessing childcare, greater capitation funding for schools, further parental leave and increases in social welfare payments are all welcome. However, it is doubtful these measures and others will fully address the thousands of children who are homeless; or waiting months and even years to receive vital healthcare; or adequately support families living with disadvantage. Below are the key changes introduced in Budget 2019 affecting children, with analysis of their likely impact.