Evaluation of Barnardos National Wellbeing Project

Hickey, G. & Stynes, H. (2023). Evaluation of Barnardos National Wellbeing Project. https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.13085/1280
Trauma and adversity have a significant and lifelong impact on health and wellbeing. Traumainformed services and supports which tackle stress and promote wellbeing are an increasing public health priority. Barnardos National Wellbeing Project is a new trauma-informed intervention strategy that aims to support children aged 4 to 18 years, parents and significant others in their communities. The programme comprises several service components rooted in the recognition of the widespread impact of trauma and the need to prevent and treat toxic stress in vulnerable populations and communities. An evaluation of the programme was carried out between March and July 2022. The evaluation findings point to the utility and potential effectiveness of the new Wellbeing Project. Children and young people were found to have significantly better emotional regulation following participation in the wellbeing supports. Potential benefits for parent wellbeing were also highlighted. Satisfaction and engagement with the intervention was also very high amongst community members. Emotional wellbeing and mental health difficulties were seen as prescient concerns at a community level. The Barnardos National Wellbeing Project was seen as important in alleviating these challenges and promoting resilience. Effective implementation was a vital ingredient in the success of the Barnardos National Wellbeing Project. Expert and skilled facilitation evidenced by project workers was central to promoting engagement, enjoyment and satisfaction with the programme elements. The collaborative, interagency approach in the Wellbeing Project is also important in promoting impact.