Quality Framework
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Barnardos. (ND). Quality Framework. https://knowledge.barnardos.ie/handle/20.500.13085/1085
Barnardos is committed to delivery quality services to children and families. The provision of quality services is best demonstrated through the Barnardos Quality Framework (BQF). This framework sets out the systems and activities that are essential to the achievement of outcomes for children. Each stage of the framework contributes to the implementation and provision of the one above it, ultimately leading to the provision of needs-led and outcome-focused services. A consistent approach to working with children and families has been achieved with the introduction of our standardised filing and record keeping system, our assessment framework, practice standards and practice framework. These standardised systems have been complemented by core training and technical assistance . The auditing and monitoring of these systems is essential to guarantee the quality of practice. Finally, the service design process and evaluation builds on the systems foundations to realise the strategic objective of needs-led and outcomes-focused services.