Understanding the Needs of Children: A Study of Needs and their Determinants in Limerick and Thurles
McKeown, Kieran
Haase, Trutz
McKeown, K., & Hasse, T. (2007). Understanding the Needs of Children: A Study of Needs and their Determinants in Limerick and Thurles. https://knowledge.barnardos.ie/handle/20.500.13085/1004
Full report whose specific objectives are to Identify risk and protective factors present in the lives of children attending Barnardos services in Limerick and Thurles and a representative sample of children living in Limerick city across the following domains: living situation; family and social relationships; social and anti-social behaviour; physical and mental health; and education and training
• Investigate the type and level of need among each individual group of children and critically analyse these need groups
• Identify common need groups among each of the three cohorts of children and critically analyse these need groups
• Explore each group of children and families use of services in the Limerick city and/or Thurles area as appropriate
• Compare needs analysis findings from each of the three groupings of children against the domains listed above and against each other