Barnardos Post Adoption Service Evaluation

MacDonald, M., Fargas, M., Mooney, S. & Coulter, S. (2021). Barnardos Post Adoption Service Evaluation.
Since 2019 Barnardos have provided a National Post Adoption Service for children, commissioned by the Child and Family Agency, Tusla Adoption service. The service was originally set up in 2009 by Tusla, then known as the HSE Children and Families Directorate, in response to high level of demand from adoptive parents seeking support and advice to assist in the parenting of their adopted children. Many of these children, often having been exposed to early life trauma and abuse in addition to being adopted, required access to a specialised service to address their needs. This independent evaluation of the post adoption services for children demonstrates that Tusla’s investment in expanding the service to have a national reach is delivering a high quality and relevant service for adopted children, teenagers, and parents.