Barnardos Annual Review 04/05
Barnardos. (2005). Barnardos Annual Review: 04/05.
2004 was a landmark year for Barnardos. After considerable exploration and debate we developed an ambitious long term strategy with a strong vision and mission aimed at making Ireland the best place in the world to be a child. Our aim is that in 2016 we will have achieved our vision of "an Ireland where childhood is valued and all children and young people are cherished equally." To achieve this vision Barnardos is now embarking on a 12-year strategic investment programme, which seeks to
contribute to: • Building a society that has as its cornerstone the needs and rights of children and young people. • Placing children at the centre of our Constitution, laws, policies, planning and our services for children and families. • An acknowledgement that proper care and nurturing of children is a crucial investment in the future social and economic development of our society. We have already begun to implement the strategy, having received significant investment, including funding from the Atlantic Philanthropies. We are determined to further develop Barnardos’ capacity over the coming years, to respond even more effectively to the needs, and transforming the lives, of vulnerable children and families in Ireland.