Family Welfare Conferences: A Guide to Services in the Northeast

Barnardos & North Eastern Health Board. (2003). Family Welfare Conferences: A Guide to Services in the Northeast.
Family Welfare Conferences originated in New Zealand in the 1980’s when it was highlighted that a disproportionately high number of Maori children were in care. The social services introduced Family Group Conferencing and a significant number of young people were returned home from care and, also, there was a reduction in the number of care proceedings. A Family Welfare Conference is a family led decision making meeting where the family gets together to try and make the best plan to address the concerns in relation to the child or young person. The meeting is facilitated by an independent co-ordinator from Barnardos. The role of the professional in the conference is to provide concise information about their concerns so that the family can make an informed plan in response to these concerns.