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    Partners in Childcare: Issue 1 (Irish Version)
    (Barnardos, 2000) Barnardos
    Tar éis cruinnithe le foireann chüraim leanai i gComhpháirtiochtaí, dhear Barnardos clar tacaiochta, traenála agus comhairle. Ag éiri as na cruinnithe sin sainaithniodh go raibh ga le tacaiocht nios déine do chúig Chomhpháirtiocht tuaithe. Fostaiodh Oibri Tacaiochta Cüraim Leanai Tuaithe i mi Feabhra 1999 chun a chumast do chomhphairtiochtai a bpleananna cüraim leanai a fhorbairt agus chun tacaiocht a thabhairt ina leith sin.
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    Partners in Childcare: Issue 3
    (Barnardos, 2000) Barnardos
    Welcome to this, the final issue of Partners in Childcare! Over the past years Barnardos and the National Children’s Resource Centre have supported community based childcare and Partnerships through the provision of information, networking and hands-on assistance. We hope you have experienced these supports as helpful.
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    Partners in Childcare: Issue 2
    (Barnardos, 2000) Barnardos
    Welcome to this edition of Partners in Childcare. The past few months have seen many new developments and activities in the field of childcare with many promises of more to come. The process of allocating resources under the National Development Plan has begun and there are high expectations as to the impact of these resources on childcare in Ireland.
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    Partners in Childcare: Issue 1
    (Barnardos, 2000) Barnardos
    Barnardos following meetings with childcare staff in Partnerships designed a programme of support, training and advice. Arising from these meetings the need for more intensive support to five rural Partnerships was identified.