Barnardos Knowledge Bank
Barnardos Knowledge Bank is an online service hosting full content materials produced by Barnardos Ireland. It contains the full text of booklets, journals, reports, research papers and more. Barnardos Knowledge Bank is an open access platform, with the aim of making Barnardos output as widely accessible as possible. Use the browse functions above for an overview of relevant materials. Barnardos is Ireland's leading children's charity and is also a National Voluntary Childcare Organisation whose work is part funded by Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.
Recent Submissions
Item Annual Report 2023(Barnardos, 2024)2023 represented a challenging year for Barnardos, the impact of the rising cost of living and the ongoing housing crisis has seen an increase of 25% in the numbers of children and families we work with in our targeted services and increases in waiting lists across many of our projects. In spite of these challenges, we remain committed to delivering an excellent standard of care and importantly recognising our staff for their work and commitment. This report outlines the areas of our work and financial details for 2023.Item Helping my Child to Listen and Follow Direction More Often(Barnardos, 2023)Information sheet for parents who would like their children to listen and follow direction more.Item Separated/Divorced and Introducing a New Partner to Children(Barnardos, 2023)Information sheet for separated/divorced parents on how to introduce a new partner to their chiildren.Item Parenting When Separated – Handovers(Barnardos, 2023)Information sheet for separated parents for when their children are handed over.Item Helping your Child Adapt to Change(Barnardos, 2022)Information sheet for parents whose children are preparing for return to school.
Communities in Barnardos Knowledge Bank
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